
"Tumpeng: The Philosophy and Meaning Behind Each Grain of Rice for a Richer Life"


"Tumpeng: The Philosophy and Meaning Behind Each Grain of Rice for a Richer Life"


In life, there are moments when we want to celebrate success, express gratitude, or simply reflect on the values we hold dear. This is where the tumpeng comes in—not just an ordinary dish but a symbol of life rich in meaning. Particularly in Javanese culture, tumpeng carries deep philosophy that can inspire us to live a more meaningful life.


 Tumpeng, More Than Just Rice


Imagine this: at the center of a table, there stands a majestic tumpeng in a conical shape, towering like a sturdy mountain. This is not just ordinary rice; it’s accompanied by a variety of side dishes, each carrying its own message. But did you know that this tumpeng is more than just a dish? There’s profound philosophy behind it!


The cone shape of the tumpeng is not without reason. It represents the hope that our lives will always rise, always grow, and always reach the peak. In business and in life, isn’t that exactly what we all aim for? To keep growing, keep improving, and reach the highest point we can achieve.


Key lesson: Always direct your goals toward the peak. Whether in life or business, this “upward” mentality is crucial. Don’t settle at a certain level; always look for ways to keep growing.


 The Philosophy in Every Element of Tumpeng


Now, let’s take a closer look. What’s usually included in a tumpeng? There’s chicken ingkung, eggs, mixed vegetables, tempeh, fish, and several other side dishes. Each element carries deep philosophy.


1. Chicken ingkung symbolizes surrender. When facing challenges, have we fully surrendered everything to the Almighty after giving our best effort?


2. Eggs represent process and patience. An egg must undergo a long process to become something better. In business, we often rush for instant results, but it’s the process that makes us stronger and more mature.


3. Mixed vegetables (urap) symbolize togetherness. Different kinds of vegetables are united by delicious urap seasoning. In life, relationships and collaboration with others are key to success. We can’t walk alone; we need a team, mentors, and a support system.


All these elements teach us one thing: life is about balance. There’s hard work, surrender, collaboration, and process. This is the essence of tumpeng philosophy that we can apply in both life and business.


 The Tumpeng Competition: More Than Just a Contest


Every year, in places like Semarang, there’s a lively tumpeng competition. It may seem like a mere showcase of creativity and art, but in reality, there are much deeper values within. Each participant, from housewives to young entrepreneurs, not only competes to present the best tumpeng but also reflects on the values they cherish.


In this competition, innovation meets tradition. Participants compete to present a beautiful tumpeng with modern presentation while preserving its cultural roots. This is where the strength of a growth mindset lies—innovating without losing core principles and values.


Innovation without losing identity—this is the key to sustainable success, both in business and in life.


 The Meaning of Togetherness and Gratitude in a Tumpeng


One thing that is often overlooked in such celebrations is togetherness. Tumpeng is almost always served in thanksgiving events, where people gather, share stories, and celebrate moments together. This is what makes tumpeng more than just food—it’s a social glue, a symbol of mutual cooperation and togetherness.


In life, we often focus on individual achievements but forget that togetherness and gratitude are inseparable parts of that success. Tumpeng teaches us not only to celebrate accomplishments but also to remember those who helped us get to that point. Just like the philosophy in business: “If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go together.”


 Conclusion: Live Like a Tumpeng, Full of Meaning


Ultimately, the philosophy of tumpeng teaches us many things: focus on goals, maintain balance, appreciate the process, and remain grateful in togetherness. Our lives, like a tumpeng, should be filled with high aspirations, strong values, and meaningful relationships.


So, when was the last time you sat down with your family or team, enjoyed a tumpeng, and reflected on the life philosophy it holds? Maybe it’s time for us to return to our roots, reflect on life’s meanings, and start living with greater awareness.


Remember, a meaningful life is not just about reaching the highest peak, but also about enjoying every step of the journey. Stay inspired and keep growing like a tumpeng reaching toward the summit!

Read This : How To write easyly




Sure! Writing effectively is both an art and a skill. Whether you’re crafting a novel, drafting a blog post, or penning a business report, mastering the nuances of writing can significantly impact how your message is received. Here’s a comprehensive guide with tips to enhance your writing across different mediums.


### 1. Understand Your Audience


Before you start writing, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of your audience. Ask yourself:

- Who will be reading this?

- What are their interests, needs, and expectations?

- How familiar are they with the subject matter?


Tailoring your content to meet the specific needs and preferences of your audience can make your writing more engaging and effective. For instance, a technical report for industry professionals will differ vastly in tone and complexity from a blog post aimed at casual readers.


### 2. Define Your Purpose


Clarify the purpose of your writing. Are you trying to inform, persuade, entertain, or describe? Your purpose will guide the structure, tone, and style of your writing. For example, a persuasive essay will include arguments and evidence to convince the reader, whereas a narrative piece might focus on storytelling and character development.


### 3. Start with an Outline


An outline serves as a roadmap for your writing. It helps in organizing your thoughts and ensures that your content flows logically. Begin with a clear introduction, followed by the main body where you elaborate on your key points, and conclude with a summary or call to action.


#### Example Outline:

- **Introduction**: Introduce the topic and state your purpose.

- **Body**:

  - **Main Point 1**: Supporting evidence or examples.

  - **Main Point 2**: Additional arguments or details.

  - **Main Point 3**: Further elaboration or counterarguments.

- **Conclusion**: Recap the key points and restate the significance or call to action.


### 4. Write with Clarity


Clarity is crucial for effective communication. Here are some tips to achieve it:

- **Be Concise**: Avoid unnecessary jargon or complex words. Opt for simple, straightforward language.

- **Use Active Voice**: Active voice makes your writing more direct and lively. For example, “The committee approved the proposal” is clearer than “The proposal was approved by the committee.”

- **Be Specific**: Provide concrete details and examples to support your points.


### 5. Revise and Edit


The first draft is just that—a draft. Revising and editing are essential steps in the writing process. Focus on:

- **Structure and Flow**: Ensure that your ideas are logically organized and transitions between sections are smooth.

- **Grammar and Spelling**: Check for any grammatical errors, typos, or awkward phrasing.

- **Consistency**: Make sure your tone, style, and terminology are consistent throughout the document.


Consider using tools like Grammarly or Hemingway for additional editing assistance, but always do a final manual review.


### 6. Seek Feedback


Feedback from others can provide valuable insights and help you improve your writing. Share your draft with colleagues, friends, or mentors and ask for their honest opinions. Be open to constructive criticism and use it to refine your work.


### 7. Read Widely


Reading a variety of materials—books, articles, essays—can enhance your writing skills. Pay attention to different writing styles, structures, and techniques. Analyze what works and what doesn’t, and incorporate those insights into your own writing.


### 8. Practice Regularly


Like any other skill, writing improves with practice. Set aside time each day or week to write, whether it’s journaling, blogging, or working on a larger project. The more you write, the more you’ll develop your voice and refine your skills.


### 9. Use Writing Prompts


If you’re feeling stuck, writing prompts can spark creativity and help you explore new ideas. Prompts can range from simple questions to complex scenarios, providing a starting point for your writing practice.


### 10. Stay Motivated


Maintaining motivation can be challenging, especially during long projects. Set achievable goals, reward yourself for milestones, and remind yourself of the purpose behind your writing. Keeping a positive mindset can help you stay focused and committed.


### 11. Incorporate Feedback and Learn


Reflect on the feedback you receive and look for patterns or recurring suggestions. This can help you identify areas for improvement and adapt your writing practices accordingly. Continuous learning and adaptation are key to growth as a writer.


### 12. Develop a Personal Style


As you become more experienced, you’ll start to develop your own unique writing style. This involves finding your voice, experimenting with different techniques, and understanding what resonates with your audience. Your personal style should align with your purpose and audience, creating a distinctive and authentic presence in your writing.


### 13. Understand the Importance of Editing


Editing is more than just fixing errors; it’s about refining your message and ensuring that every word serves a purpose. During editing, focus on enhancing clarity, coherence, and impact. Remove redundant phrases, strengthen weak arguments, and ensure that your writing effectively communicates your intended message.


### 14. Balance Creativity and Structure


Creativity is essential for engaging writing, but structure ensures that your ideas are communicated effectively. Find a balance between innovative expression and organized presentation. For creative writing, play with narrative techniques, dialogue, and imagery, while maintaining a coherent plot and character development.


### 15. Experiment with Different Forms


Exploring different writing forms and genres can broaden your skills and perspectives. Try your hand at essays, fiction, poetry, technical writing, and more. Each form has its own conventions and challenges, and experimenting with them can enhance your versatility as a writer.


### 16. Stay Updated with Trends


Writing trends and conventions evolve over time. Stay informed about current trends in your field, whether it’s in digital content, academic writing, or creative literature. Understanding and adapting to these trends can help you stay relevant and effective in your writing.


### 17. Cultivate a Writing Routine


Establishing a regular writing routine can enhance productivity and consistency. Find a time of day that works best for you, create a conducive writing environment, and stick to a schedule. A routine helps in developing discipline and making writing a habitual part of your life.


### 18. Utilize Writing Tools


There are numerous tools available that can aid in the writing process. From grammar checkers and thesauruses to organizational tools like Scrivener or Evernote, leverage these resources to streamline your writing workflow and improve efficiency.


### 19. Read Aloud


Reading your work aloud can help you catch errors and awkward phrasing that you might miss when reading silently. It also helps in assessing the flow and rhythm of your writing, ensuring that it sounds natural and engaging.


### 20. Embrace Rejection and Failure


Not every piece of writing will be successful or well-received. Embrace rejection and failure as part of the learning process. Analyze what went wrong, learn from the experience, and use it to improve your future writing endeavors.


In conclusion, writing is a multifaceted skill that involves understanding your audience, defining your purpose, and honing your craft through practice and revision. By following these tips and continuously striving to improve, you can enhance your writing and effectively communicate your ideas. Happy writing!

How to Determine Blog Keywords

 To write an article using specific keywords, follow these steps:

1. Keyword research: Start by identifying relevant keywords related to your article's topic. You can use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to find popular and relevant keywords.

2. Choose primary and secondary keywords: Select a primary keyword that best represents the main focus of your article. Then, identify a few secondary keywords that are related to the primary keyword and can be naturally incorporated into the article.

3. Create an outline: Structure your article with sections that align with the primary and secondary keywords. Each section should focus on one aspect of the topic related to the keywords.

4. Incorporate keywords naturally: Write your article with a focus on providing valuable and informative content to the reader. Integrate the primary and secondary keywords into the text where they fit naturally. Avoid overusing keywords (keyword stuffing), as this can harm readability and SEO.

5. Optimize title and headings: Include your primary keyword in the article's title and subheadings where relevant. This helps search engines understand the article's content.

6. Write high-quality content: Ensure that your article is well-researched, informative, and engaging for readers. Address the topic comprehensively and answer potential questions your audience might have.

7. Meta description: Craft a meta description for your article that includes the primary keyword and provides a concise summary of what readers can expect.

8. Internal and external links: Include relevant internal links to other pages on your website and external links to authoritative sources. This can improve the article's credibility and SEO.

9. Proofread and edit: After writing, review your article for grammar, spelling, and clarity. Ensure that the keywords are naturally integrated and that the article flows smoothly.

10. Publish and promote: Publish your keyword-optimized article on your website or chosen platform. Promote it through social media and other marketing channels to reach a wider audience.

Remember that while keywords are important for SEO, user experience and content quality should remain your top priorities. Creating valuable content that resonates with your audience will lead to better engagement and higher rankings over time.

How to Write Article

 Writing an article involves several key steps:

1. Choose a topic: Select a subject that interests you and is relevant to your audience.

2. Research: Gather information from reliable sources to support your article. Take notes and organize your research.

3. Outline: Create an outline to structure your article. Include an introduction, main points, and a conclusion.

4. Introduction: Start with a compelling introduction that grabs the reader's attention and provides context for your topic.

5. Body paragraphs: Write clear and concise paragraphs that expand on your main points. Use evidence and examples to support your claims.

6. Conclusion: Summarize your key points and provide a closing thought or call to action.

7. Editing and proofreading: Review your article for grammar, spelling, and clarity. Consider the flow of your writing and make necessary revisions.

8. Title and subheadings: Craft an engaging title and use subheadings to break up the text and make it more scannable.

9. Formatting: Format your article appropriately, using consistent fonts and spacing.

10. Citations: If you've used external sources, cite them properly according to the style guide you're following (e.g., APA, MLA).

11. Review: Have someone else read your article for feedback before publishing it.

12. Publishing: Share your article on a suitable platform, whether it's a blog, website, or publication.

Remember that practice and feedback are essential for improving your article writing skills. Keep honing your craft to become a better writer over time.

| October 01, 2023 |

How To Write A Good Essay


Essentially, this includes formatting your work, choosing subjects and ideas, and locating effective sources of information.


However, it’s important to understand that writing skills are only necessary to craft effective essays.

To this end, understanding how to structure an essay is crucial.

To do this, think of an essay as a series of paragraphs situated within a body text.

To start, think of your introduction as a way to summarize what you want to say before diving into your main points.

Subsequently, you can elaborate on the introduction through several sub-sections called body paragraphs.

Body paragraphs typically have supporting statements or examples that further elaborate on the ideas presented in the introduction section.

Appendices are also a good way to wrap up any points you want to make in your essay by providing additional resources or referencing previous statements.

A good essay must follow a clear structure.

It must contain introductory paragraphs that introduce your essay and introductions that give an overview of the entire body of work.

Your body paragraphs should explain your thoughts and ideas and must contain concluding paragraphs that summarize your findings.

You can present your ideas clearly by formatting your work and avoiding grammatical errors.

Additionally, you should use citations to attribute all sources of information to maintain credibility with your readers.

Essay writing is a stressful process for many students.

Many students are not confident in their abilities to effectively communicate ideas and thoughts.

To help people become better writers, many online courses and books offer creative writing techniques to improve the quality of their work.

Essentially, this includes formatting your work, choosing subjects and ideas, and locating effective sources of information.

As you can see, structuring an essay is not difficult@ but it does require some preparation before interacting with the text editorial assistant reference number references chapter five interhtial communication environment number one nine seven seven one seven one three one three zero one three one eight three eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight nine nine one eight six six six six six six six six six seven seven two six two two two three two two two two two three two three two three two three two three two three two three two one three seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven number one reference number references .

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Avoiding plagiarism is essential for essays because it helps you gain the credit you deserve for your work.

Essentially, you must respect the source when using someone else’s ideas in your essay.

This is important because copying someone else’s work without acknowledging it compromises your educational progress and experience.

Your essay should present ideas that are your own and are not taken from others’ published works or classes.

For example, if you found an interesting quote online that would be a good starting point for your essay.

You could then further develop your thoughts by incorporating facts and information into your unique argumentative essay.

Another common mistake in essays is using the 5 S’s too much@ specifically single quotes.

For example, writers commonly quote Winston Churchill by saying “Give me control over a good phrase, and I will convert even a bad situation into something useful” to support their ideas.

This kind of phrase overkill can slow down the flow of an otherwise excellent article and become tedious for readers if used too frequently.

Basically @ avoid using single quotes when writing an effective English essay!

Essays are a popular part of English courses.

They teach students how to present their ideas in written form.

Masters, M.Ed and bachelors diploma programs make extensive use of essays as assessment criteria.

Many colleges require at least one essay in their English curriculum.

In general, these essays are short, personal responses to a topic that are written primarily for other students.

In other words, essays help students share their thoughts and experiences with others.

First, you should understand the assignment before starting to write your essay.

Your work should be well-written and well-researched.

You should also choose a relevant topic and include supporting facts and information.

Additionally, make sure that your writing is clear and precise so that your readers understand what you’re saying.

Lastly, avoid plagiarism by respecting the source; paraphrasing other people’s work will help you gain comprehension of the presented material.

Essays are an excellent way for students to share their thoughts with other people.

Choosing a relevant topic helps readers understand what you want to say; presenting ideas that are original and true will also help you earn high marks on your paper.

Moreover, you can demonstrate thorough research by following credible sources when completing this task.

A competition is a good venue for a student to practice writing skills.

It allows them to work on their skills under the watchful eye of an expert and with the motivation of other people.

It also helps a student learn to think beyond the present to plan his or her future work.

The competition lets the writers work on narratives, persuasive essays, poems and other forms.

Different competitions have different guidelines for these works, which provide an excellent learning experience for all competitors.

Competitions teach mental muscles that can be useful for students in all walks of life.

When writing an essay for a competition, a student must learn how to structure his thoughts coherently and logically.

He must also learn to prioritize and edit his work before submitting it for evaluation.

He must also learn to be patient and constantly revisit his work until he is satisfied with the resulting product.

Essentially, a competition teaches self-discipline; it provides a training ground for the mental muscles required for writing.


Winning a competition makes a writer hungry for greater achievements, so he will work harder to achieve his goals.

In turn, winning competitions enhances one’s confidence when writing and makes it easy for him to publish his works in books, journals or online platforms.

Most competitions are held at universities or schools where the works are evaluated by experts in the field.

The evaluation criteria vary among competitions but typically include grammar, spelling, general stylistic presentation and creativity of ideas, overall impact of ideas and language used in writing.

An essay that meets all evaluation criteria is deemed as excellent when its writer is fully satisfied with its form and content.

The writer then publicizes how he or she got there so other students can learn from him or her as well.


Generally, the participants are students of different age groups who write essays on various topics.

A competition is an excellent way to practice writing skills and to learn the importance of self-discipline.

Essentially, a competition teaches a person patience and determination while honing his or her skills.

A research paper requires a lot of work when it comes to gathering information and writing an excellent essay.

It requires thorough research and the ability to express ideas clearly and logically.

First, choose a topic as this will help you in your research.

Next, find relevant sources such as academic journals, books, social media, etc.

Basically, gather data from all possible sources to support your thesis statement.

Once you have collected all the relevant data, do some reading and take notes on what you have found.

Lastly, compile all your information into a well-organized body paragraphs that present your ideas clearly and cogently.

An essay is a literary work consisting of thoughts expressed in prose.

Writing an excellent essay requires certain skills; for instance, it requires choosing a subject and research on the subject to make a clear and logical argument.

A good introduction to an essay enunciates your understanding of the subject and ideas before you launch into the body paragraphs to substantiate it.

It also provides a summary of your thought process so that it’s easy for the reader to understand where you’re coming from.

To develop a convincing argument, you must first define your position on the matter at hand.

Next, logically substantiate your opinion with facts and observations from your readings.

After that, strengthen your ideas with supporting evidence from various sources; tell the reader how what you’ve said makes sense and how it strengthens your position.

Finally, use strong language to sum up your thoughts in a way that makes it easy for readers to digest your points.


A good introduction states concisely what you want to say about a subject before diving into facts and observations to support your opinion.

A good body paragraphs contain strong ideas supported by relevant data and insights from different viewpoints that can strengthen or disprove your opinion.

Last but not least, include a conclusion where you restate what you want to say in a way that is concise yet clear enough for the reader to understand.

Essays are usually written in paragraph form@ one paragraph supporting the thesis and then another to bolster its weaknesses.

First, define the topic clearly and state the thesis clearly and concisely before launching into your thoughts on the matter.

Next, present reasons to support your thesis statements; give examples from various sources if possible to illustrate your thoughts further.

Then, develop your thoughts further by presenting counterarguments or arguments against other points of view.

Last but not least, sum up your thoughts by highlighting the main points of your argument so that the reader understands the whole point of what you’ve written.


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  • how to write a good essay in history


    This my fisrst story to talk about writing in English. I Know that english is not my mother language - becauase i had born in Javanese - Indonesia. If you read my sentences, may be lots of mistake because I learn english manually, I use Google Translate and from the basic english when I stuied in Junior High School, Senior high Scholl and the begining in college "STT YPM Sidoarjo" - Now became UMAHA - Universitas Muhammad Hasyim Latief. 

    I am Using free style writing methode, that the rules is "no rules" when we are writing. Write with your heart and then edit with your mind. 
    | November 01, 2021 |



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